This is our first batch of Tie Rack Scarfs
Good news about being the 1st batcth, for the 1st 5 customers,u'll get to grab the item at RM55 per piece - PROMOTION DAH ABES DAAAA......:).....
The remaining item will then be RM60 per piece on COD
Item can be collected at specified area:
- putrajaya
- seri kembangan
- kajang
- kelana jaya (upon appointment)
and the best deal is when purchase it more than 3 pieces, u'll get discount for RM55 per piece!
Great isnt it?
so please, feast ur eyes to the items layed here:
MTR0002 - 90cmx90cm polyester scarf
MTR0003 - 90cmx90cm polyester scarf : RESERVED FOR SALFARINA
MTR0004 - 90cmx90cm polyester scarf : SOLD TO PISAH
MTR0005 - 90cmx90cm polyester scarf : RESERVED FOR SALFARINA
MTR0006 - 90cmx90cm polyester scarf : SOLD TO MOMGUESS
MTR0008 - 90cmx90cm polyester scarf : SOLD TO PISAH
MTR0009 - 90cmx90cm polyester scarf : SOLD TO IBU EMIR

MTR0010 - chiffon long scarf : RESERVED FOR KAKAK BANGI
MTR0011 - 90cmx90cm chiffon scarf
MTR0012 - 90cmx90cm chiffon scarf
MTR0013 - 90cmx90cm chiffon scarf : SOLD TO PISAH
MTR0014 - chiffon longscarf
MTR0015 - polyester long scarf
MTR0016 - chiffon long scarf : RESERVED FOR KAKAK BANGI
MTR0017 - chiffon long scarf : SOLD TO AYU THE SUN
MTR0018 - chiffon long scarf :SOLD TO AINI
MTR0019 - chiffon long scarf : RESERVED FOR KAKAK BANGI
MTR0020 - chiffon long scarf
MTR0021 - chiffon long scarf : RESERVED FOR SALFARINA
Grab it while it's still hot!
email ur reservation order to mytierack@gmail.com now!~
we are glad to serve you with happy heart!
P/S I Luv U : Kesemua item dah ader dkt Mesia, dekat Lembah Klang nie....so, u can have it ASAP...:)
x kira
either aku dpt yang nih
MTR0007 - 90cmx90cm polyester scarf
or aku dpt yang nih:
MTR0017 - chiffon long scarf
nak ni MTR0017 - chiffon long scarf tak yah email segala, aci? ko booking dulu tuk aku.. nanti aku email.. ok?
xnk g jual kt uptwon ke...kt jalan TAR ke..
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee jahatnye si kungfu panda nih!!!!! bukan nak bg semangat!
Tahniah sis! akhirnya dapat jugak jual this Tie Rack di blog..nnt letaklah pattern yg menarik sikit..design2 gempaq gittu!! sis punya murahla berbanding ngn blogger lain! gud..
cantik-cantiknya scarf ni! :-)
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