dier tak tag aku pun..
saja gatal try cuba2..
n rasa mcm nak share gmbr nie dgn korang...
Tag Picture:
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Go to the 6th folder of photos.
Go to the 6th picture in that folder.
Put the picture on your blog and description of it.
gambar nie taken by udeyismail. masa tu nikah elly...tolong elly pakai kan jam dier...yg pasti aku suka gmbr nie..sebab ada 2 bende yg aku sayang...my ring yg dah dicampak ke mana (motif dicampak?..hahaha)...n my crystal gelang...i suka giler gelang tu...sampe skang ader lagik..dah rosak hr tu dah kene hantar betul pun...masa incik panda g sabah hr tu ader lah kengkonon nak kirim dier wat kan kaler pink plak design sama...dekat Sabah murah sikit dr dkt sini kan...kem slm..dier mmg tak gheti..naseb balik dier bwk pulang satu beg besar goodies sebagai balasan..leh tutup mulut kejap..ngeh ngeh ngeh...:)
P/S I Luv U : aper hal aku rajin sgt wat tag plak hr nie...ish ish ish..nnt time aku takder mood, sampe lupa semua tag tu nnt kang..hehehe...
lamernye x jumpe cik farah....
harap maaf lah yerkk..cik bb nie cik bb nurfaritha ker cik bb maslina yerkk?...hehehe..yg pasti dua2 puan bb nie dah lama tak jumpa...:)
lawa cincin...:P
lawa baju ELly walau nampak sikit jer
panda : mekasihhh...nk gmbr cincin lebey clear ker?...:)
ibu emir : haah lawaaaa...
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